Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Honesty and Crime Both Can Pay

Angela Bertugli, a former beauty pageant winner and legislative researcher to Pennsyslvania House Majority Leader Bill Deweese, told investigators in the "Bonusgate" probe that she only got her job because she was having an affair with Rep. Deweese's chief of staff, Michael Manzo. Mr. Manzo has been charged in the wide reaching investigation with, among other things, using public funds to create a job for Ms. Bertugli having no responsibilities.

Yet, Ms. Bertugli remains employed by Rep. Deweese. The reason, as stated by him: "It would be wrong to take retribution against those who told the truth."

Ms. Bertugli has not been charged in the case.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does that mean if I murder someone it would be wrong to take retribution against me if I drive up to the police station and told the truth?

10:40 AM  
Blogger MCO said...

Yes, but don't get any ideas.

9:52 PM  

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