Friday, August 01, 2008

Doing the Crime; Doing the Time

The Dallas Morning News reports that when a crew from the local electric service company responded to a reported power failure, they found something unexpected:

When crews arrived, they found cut wires on the ground and [James Buster] McKay stuck between transformers on the pole, police said.

Dallas Fire-Rescue spokeswoman Sherrie Lopez said the man had been hit with about 7,000 volts, possibly twice. The rescue was hindered because his flesh had adhered to the metal components on the pole. Much of his clothes had either "burned off or blown off," she said.

After speaking of evidence at the scene indicating that Mr. McKay was attempting to steal copper when the incident occurred, Ms. Lopez commented, "There is no amount of copper that is worth the pain this man is going to have to endure."

Mr. McKay is in critical condition. Upon recovery, he will be charged with a felony.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he's been punished enough.

5:20 PM  
Blogger MCO said...

Lanette, you must be going soft on crime?! He'll do time, assuming he recovers.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would never go soft on crime, but I have worked in a jail- now that's soft on crime. What he has already been through is infinitely worse than what someone who just simply goes to jail for stealing copper.

I'm more in the camp of letting people reap the natural consequence of their crime and giving compensation. It's not likely that he will be ordered to pay for the damage he caused, but instead of jail I think that's exactly what he should do plus 20%.

7:45 AM  

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