Friday, May 23, 2008

My Contentment at Being out of Touch

I am visiting my parents this week. I have not watched the morning network news and entertainment programs for years, but that is part of their morning routine. As a result, for the last two mornings I have been subjected to overhearing one of them (Good Morning America, I think: whatever Diane Sawyer is on) while trying to occupy myself with other interests. Yesterday, Ms. Sawyer -- who I recall was once regarded as a serious network journalist -- nearly struck Harrison Ford while attempting to knock some bottles off of a table with a long whip. "Did I hurt you?" she cooed. He laughed and told her she did not.

My question: have these programs gotten worse, or did I just not notice how really bad they were when I was younger? What I have seen/heard the last couple of days is sort of like Regis and Kathy Lee -- without the hard news content.


Blogger Lanette said...

What a snob :p

6:53 PM  
Blogger MCO said...

And proud of it!

9:32 PM  

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