Friday, April 04, 2008

Stopping Telephonic Ambulance Chasers

Telephone numbers will no longer appear on publicly available accident reports in Texas under an agreement set to take effect between the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Transportation, the Dallas Morning News reports.

The agencies are making the change in an attempt to stymie the efforts of telemarketers who obtain the information and harass accident victims in behalf of unscrupulous plaintiff's attorneys, chiropractors. and others. According to the DMN:

Fred Lohmann, Dallas-area director of the nonprofit National Insurance Crime Bureau, said telemarketers line up every day at police departments and central records offices across the state to purchase crash reports from the previous day.

I say unscrupulous, because this type of solicitation is already illegal, but the ban on it is rarely enforced. State professional associations representing trial attorneys and chiropractors have supported unsuccessful legislation that would have helped remedy the problem by limiting access to accident reports for 30 days.


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