Sunday, April 06, 2008

Clinton's Specious Arguments

Jeffrey Anderson successfully demolishes Hillary Clinton's arguments for why the super-delegates should throw her the Democratic nomination. As those arguments constitute the only rationale for her remaining in the race, it is telling that they are so weak.

Sen. Clinton is not the first candidate in American politics who has had difficulty facing reality. Nor is she the first who has stayed in a race longer than she should have. However, it is difficult to think of any candidate who has engaged in such a sustained and prolonged attempt to change the rules of the game after the fact.

The Associated Press began a report on her efforts by stating that she had "strengthened" her pitch to count primary votes cast in Michigan and Florida. She argues that the fact that those vote results were certified by the Secretaries of State of those respective states somehow authenticates them, ignoring the fact that the Democratic Party had invalidated the primaries beforehand and that the other candidates, consistent with the decisions of the party, had not campaigned there. While the AP might mean that she was attempting to strengthen her argument, in fact, she is doing nothing more than exposing its speciousness.


Blogger Lanette said...

"However, it is difficult to think of any candidate who has engaged in such a sustained and prolonged attempt to change the rules of the game after the fact."-

I can think of one- Someone who had tried to use the court system to win the Presidential election, someone Hillary Clinton knew well. I wonder why she hasn't learned from his mistake.

8:17 AM  

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