Sunday, March 16, 2008

Democratic Party Presidential News Items

While most Democratic Party leaders continue audaciously to hope that somehow the party's nominee for President could be determined sooner, not later, Hillary Clinton is trying to delay the selection further, at least in Texas.

The Clinton campaign is requesting that the district conventions be postponed and that the state party take on the task of verifying the eligibility of more than a million people that attended the caucuses.

Meanwhile, Democratic Party superdelegates continue to show themselves to be the polar opposites of the average primary voter. Most voters in late primaries in past years complained that their votes really didn't count because they didn't go to the polls until the nominations were already in hand, a complaint that encouraged many states this year to move their votes to earlier dates. However, the superdelegates desperately seem not to want their votes to count, which begs the question, why should they even have votes if they regard their preferred task as being the rubber stamping of an already made decision?


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