Friday, May 26, 2006

Republican Blogger: "Republicans Deserve to Lose"

Republicans have been in danger of losing their majority in the House of Representatives due to overspending, controversy over immigration, controversy over the Iraq War, and the unpopularity of President Bush. All of those involve policy issues that can be debated. They have additionally been dogged with charges of corruption based on the Abramoff scandals. With the ongoing pronouncements of Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert that Congressmen are above the law and not subject to the same law enforcement investigative tools that every other American is subject to, there is no debate: Republicans deserve to lose. This Republican might even come close to saying that they need to lose for the good of the country.

In America, politicians are not supposed to be above the law. Though at times through history some have been, few have had the audacity to proclaim it. The Music City Oracle normally calmly debates politics, not wanting to be associated with ranters in the blogosphere. This, coming from the party with which the Oracle claims allegiance, is absolutely infuriating.


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