Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Caught in the Snow

Looking through liberal responses to the appointment of Tony Snow as White House press secretary, it is clear that those on the left have not managed to get their talking points straight. On the one hand, they want to joke that moving from Fox News to the White House doesn't even require a change of employers.

On the other hand, they want to point out that Snow has criticized the President so severely that it is difficult to imagine that he could ever represent the President with a straight face.

For examples, scroll down to the list of leftist blog comments here (hat tip: Instapundit) and see here.

So, which is it? One might surmise that neither Fox News nor conservatism is nearly as monolithic as its critics seem to claim. One might also figure out that Snow is an independent thinker who can both think critically and serve effectively in this administration.

Some will refuse to think either of those things. They don't fit their standard talking points.


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